NNJR Cruise Night – Tuesday 18 June 2019
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
5pm – 9pm (gates open at 5pm)
Rain Date: June 25, 2019
Brookrace Park, Brookrace Drive, Mendham, NJ 07945
Porsches of all eras and music!!! Bring the family. We’ll bring the food, drinks and music. This is one of the premier events of the summer.
We invite all 914’s and 964’s to a special display area to celebrate these iconic models’ anniversaries. Your Porsche is your ticket for a close in parking spot. There is overflow and non-Porsche parking along the road.
This years’ band are Diamonds of the Moon, featuring the music of Pink Floyd and other classic rock hits.
We are looking forward to a gathering of our Porsche friends and, of course, an awesome display of Porsches from every era.
Questions? Call John Vogt at 973 285 0959